Women nowadays are struggling to find peace in their lives.
I mean, who can blame them?
Juggling between being mothers, wives, daughters, friends and professionals can be overwhelming, tiring and quite honestly almost impossible sometimes. Let me ask you a question…
- Have you ever thought you had too much to handle?
- Have you ever felt like no matter what you did your life was spiraling out of control?
- Don’t you wish your life had a “Pause” button for you to take a break from everyday
drama and chaos?
Then I got good news for you!
I’m going to reveal to you a simple 2-minute ritual that can switch your life from negative to
positive in a blink of an eye.
The best part?
You can do it right at home… comfortably in a judgment free zone.
I mean, who can blame them? Juggling between being mothers, wives, daughters, friends and professionals can be overwhelming, tiring and quite honestly almost impossible sometimes. Let me ask you a question…
Think of it like a light switch..
You can be walking through a dark alley, but everything changes the moment you flip the
switch, right?
That is basically how it works, so if that sounds like something you would like…
Then pay attention
Because I want to make something clear before we get started…
My name is Dr. Showalter Johnson and I have counseled women of all walks of life over the
course of 12 years.
Some experienced family issues, some suffered emotional problems, and even some were on
the verge of being suicidal. I have educated myself academically and spiritually to be able to
serve my purpose. That’s why today I feel excited to congratulate you for taking the initiate to
change your life around.
It’s never too late.
Every day we live we are blessed with a new opportunity to rewrite our future.
So, I ask you to approach this as new beginning. Today is all that matters. Leave all doubts and
fears behind. Trust the process and the results will start speaking for themselves, I promise. I
have too been in your shoes, but that’s a different story.
Today is about you.
So, how about we get started?
I’m sure that if you been reading carefully you are probably wondering what this 2-minute ritual
is… correct?
It’s about the simplest yet most powerful thing we have in our hands.
It’s our most infallible weapon. It’s about prayer.
You see, most people have a basic understanding of what praying means but only a few do it
Think about it.
Most people simply wish for the material and trivial things they want. But it’s not their fault.
We aren’t taught how to pray.
Prayer goes beyond just wishing. Prayer connects our thoughts with our desires. Prayer
allows us to step into the spiritual part of our existence.
When we pray, we think about the things we desire, and we project a thought into our mind. It
might sound a bit complex but its quite simple.
Let me give you an example. If I tell you to think about a dove chances are you automatically
pictured one in your head just now, right?
And the more you think about it, the more details you put into this thought and the more
realistic it becomes…
Same thing happens when we pray.
When we pray, we project thoughts that create a “vision board” in our imagination.
There we basically start pinning what we want out of our life, what we want our life to look like
and what we want to manifest. And it’s here where we can make a big impact in our life for the
better or for worse… without even knowing!
Now I want to be honest with you before we continue…
I’m going to skip over some details on how and why this works in the next couple paragraphs
and there is a BIG reason for that.
Today we are focusing on giving you a simple and easy solution… correct?
Then for that purpose we are jumping right to the solution.
I know that once you start practicing it, you’ll love it and you’ll like to know all about it.
Ok, let’s focus back into our foundation:
When we pray, we channel our thoughts, and this creates a vision board in our
It guides your actions consciously and unconsciously towards a specific path.
But the thing is…
Not all thoughts are created equal.
In fact, there are thoughts that are far stronger than others.
So, if we really want to use our prayer efficiently.
If we really want to start aligning our mind and body towards the change we crave in our life…
Then we are going to be focusing on the types of thought that are for the sake of others.
Yes, you read that right.
During this 2-minute ritual we are almost going to forget about ourselves and the things we
want or need.
That means that when I pray and I focus my thoughts…
I’m NOT going to be directing my thoughts and creating my vision board to manifest things that
I want for myself.
Not at all.
You are going to pray and channel your thoughts, create your vision board and pin on it
thoughts that are actually to benefit someone else.
It could be your neighbor, a friend, a family member, or your spouse.
Any other than yourself.
These types of thoughts are much stronger.
And what this type of ritual does is that it switches your soul slowly because the soul has two
One part of the soul focuses on the self, which is me and what I want for myself.
And the other part of the soul focuses on others.
If I focus too much on me which is the first compartment of our souls, then our soul becomes
But when I start focusing on my neighbor.
Then I start switch my soul from “self” to “others”
And that’s when the healing begins.
Now I know we live in a busy world.
That’s why I only ask you to do this for at least 2 minutes every day… but I want you to do it in
the morning.
And the reason why it’s very straightforward.
If you’re anything like me, then you probably know that the first couple minutes of each
morning can really shape how we feel during the day.
When you wake up to good news then you are more likely to feel happy and motivated during
the rest of the day…
Praying first thing after you wake up is basically giving your soul good news every morning.
That way you start manifesting your thoughts to start each day on a high note.
As you can now see the 2-minute ritual is remarkably simple.
It’s about praying, projecting your thoughts and pinning them on an internal visual
board… everything for the sake of others.
I’m sure that once you start doing this simple 2-minute ritual you will not only see the
difference… you’ll feel it too.
Commit to it and do it consistently.
Everything begins with you.
This means that you now have within yourself the power to conquer every hardship you
You can overcome any difficulty, family issues or even emotional problems.
And you have it in your arsenal as your new secret weapon.
You can do it.
I know you might still have some questions…
I know this might be a lot to take in…
And I particularly know that you will like to know more once you start doing this 2-minute
I know that once you put everything into practice… you will look back at today as the moment
that your new life began.
It will be the first step to create a positive domino effect in your life.
Trust me.
Everything begins the moment you take that leap of faith.
Everything begins when you start putting prayer at the center of your life.
I’ve seen it happen time after time without fail.
It’s time to get started!