
7 signs to detox your soul

Something isn’t right.
Otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this right now… right?

You can’t put your finger on it, but you can feel it.
Maybe you wake up every morning with the aching feeling that something is off. Feeling less
motivated. Less driven. Less happy.

Less you.

That’s why I want to ask you a very important favor…
Be honest with yourself right now and pay attention to what I’m going to say here…

Does every day feel like a repetitive cycle that you feel stuck in?
Do you feel like no matter what you do nothing seems to go right?
Are you overwhelmed, drained and tired all the time even before you start your daily routine?

IF any of this sounds a little too familiar to you…
You need to read this until the very end because it can literally make the difference between
just barely living to striving!
First let me introduce myself.
My name is Dr. Showalter Johnson. Maybe you have read some of my books, maybe you heard
from me due to my PhD work, maybe you found me thru my ministries…
Or maybe you might have never heard of me….
Whatever it might be…
I know there is no coincidence that today I have crossed your path.
I have counseled women for the past 12 years both mentally and spiritually and today I’m going
to reveal to you the seven signs that you need to detox your soul… before its too late.

You see, our souls like any other part of our bodies requires some

Chances are that you shower, comb your hair and brush your teeth every day… correct?
It’s just a regular part of taking care of yourself and staying healthy.
Same goes for our souls.

Regularly we get exposed to a lot of negativity, bad energy and other things that start wearing
us down.
It’s part of life.
Yet most of us aren’t taught how to cleanse our soul from all this bad stuff and instead we go
day by day basically collecting junk in our spiritual closet.

The good news is that you can easily detox your soul if you do it properly.

This detox process begins with prayer.

I have found that prayer is the most basic yet powerful tool to regain control of our mental and
physical wellbeing.
Prayer goes beyond just closing your eyes and wishing for things to change.
Prayer makes it happen… when done properly.
This is a topic that fascinates me so much that I wrote my last book The Mental State of Prayer
about it. There I go in great length on everything there is to know about prayer and how to use
it on your daily life to make those changes you crave so much.
Right now, we are going to determine if you need to detox your soul.
So, read on…
During my years of education and practical experience during coaching, I’ve been able to
identify certain patterns that easily reveal whether or not you need to give your soul a reset.
Let’s jump right to them!

1. Have you lost your creativity?

In other words, do you feel creative when you write, paint, sing, cook… or whatever else that
you do?
Do you feel as if your life has gone into “autopilot” mode?
When a person has lost the ability to be creative, they are no longer spontaneous, and every
day starts looking a lot like the day before without finding anything exciting or different…
In this case people have lost inspiration and they no longer feel that they have the potential to
be creative.
This is the first sign that their soul needs to be detoxed.

2. Is fear the driving force in your life?

This one is a tricky one.
Most people reject the idea of fear. In fact, grown adults tend to get offended and defensive if
you suggest to them that they are afraid.
It’s something we have been taught since we were kids.
Think about it: Does “Face your fears” and “There is nothing to be afraid” sound familiar?
Truth is that a lot of people live in constant fear.
They are afraid of leaving their current job or relationship, they are afraid of asking for a raise,
they are afraid of confrontation… even something as simple as a new haircut can be
People driven by fear tend to say “I can’t” a lot.
They tend to let their inner desires take the back seat and spend a lot of time thinking on “What
Fear then becomes the driving force in their daily actions and progressively affects all aspects of
their lives.

3. Do you have a lot of conflict in your life?

We all know that conflict is a normal part of life.
Yet, for some people is almost a mandatory part of their routine. They tend to find themselves
arguing, disagreeing, and fighting all the time… everywhere.
Everything quickly escalates… or eventually leads to disharmony.
This is because when a person’s soul needs detoxing a person does not have the ability to
integrate or harmonize opposed views within a group.
In other words, “it’s my way or the highway”.
They lack emotional maturity and they are plagued by inner conflict.
This conflict then transcends from emotional conflict to spiritual conflict.

4. Can you control yourself?

Or… let me put it this way: do you have self-control?
If you find yourself uncapable of restricting yourself when it comes to shopping, drinking,
smoking, gambling, sexual partners, or even eating…

(and yes, this might include that time you said you would have 1 single cookie and ended up
eating the whole batch)
Then you might have lost your restrictive power.
People who don’t have the ability to restrict themselves and control themselves need to
spiritually detox.

5. Are you struggling to be consistent?

When a person lacks consistency, they keep postponing or procrastinating on things they want
to do.
If you find yourself constantly starting things and then leaving them unfinished.
You might feel like you are running in circles.
It’s a vicious cycle of incomplete tasks and lack of fulfillment.
If you are having difficulties sticking to your goals, you might be creating a habit of failure that
taints your soul.

6. Are you avoiding reality?

Nobody likes to admit that they avoid the truth.
Instead they turn their head to the other side, or they pretend like it never even happened, or
even sometimes they might act like there was a misunderstanding.
In worse cases, they will be in full denial.
I see it all the time in some of the women I have coached.
The ones who do not want to accept a broken home and try to carry on like everything is fine.
The ones who seen the evidence of an infidelity but keep lying to themselves.
The ones who will never admit they have a problem while their whole life is falling apart.
The problem is that we cannot overcome barriers if we don’t acknowledge the truth.
These type of people refuse to seek help because they don’t see a need for it.

7. Do you feel unfulfilled or disappointed?

Sometimes life is going well, or so it seems.
However, we aren’t happy.
You might feel like there is nothing else to life.

You keep wanting more than you currently have. There is a need that does not seem to be
Maybe you have even tried to attain spirituality in your life and kept wishing for the same
things every day and became disappointed.
Then you need to spiritually detox.
When a person wants to receive more than they give it creates an imbalance in our soul and
this can cause unfulfillment and dissatisfaction.

Ok, you now know the 7 signs that you need to declutter your soul and do a spiritual cleaning
If you felt identified with 1 or more of these signs, I want you to know something:
You are not alone and….

The best time to act is NOW!

While you might not see or feel your soul, its important that you take this seriously before it
gets worse. Your soul is the starting point of your existence and it can progressively affect you
physically, medically, emotionally, sexually, and professionally.
Look at it this way:
You wouldn’t ignore your doctor’s diagnosis if you were feeling sick… right?
Then do your soul a big favor and start today.
No matter how long and difficult the journey might be. I will be here to show you the way to get
out of whatever situation you are in right now.

Trust me.
Everything begins the moment you take that leap of faith.
Everything begins when you start putting prayer at the center of your life.
I’ve seen it happen time after time without fail.

I know that once you put everything into practice… you will look back at today as the moment
that your new life began.
It will be the first step to create a positive domino effect in your life.
It’s time to set yourself free…

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