
Why cancer shouldn’t be treated on a case by case remedy

It was a dark and stormy night, and the doctors were gathered in the boardroom to discuss a grave matter. Cancer had been on the rise, and they were desperate to find a cure.

Dr. Showalter stood up and asked if they would agree that cells have been programmed to cooperate. Other doctors nodded in agreement. He asked if they believed that human souls are interconnected, and again, they all agreed.

Dr. Johnson then spoke up. “If this is true,” he said, “then cancer should not be treated as a case by case remedy. Because at its roots, there is only one cause for all different forms of cancer- the malignant relationships between humanity.”

The other doctors looked at him in disbelief, but Dr. Showalter nodded in agreement. It was clear that something needed to be done about this disease- and soon.

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