The Algorithm Of Leadership: A Guide To A New World

If you are someone who is afraid of what’s happening in politics, this is the infallible guide to fix our political mess, save democracy and start a new leadership model. 

The only way to stop an imminent civil war and bring unity to this nation is crush the foundations of this crippling system and unmask the puppets pulling the strings behind it.

Interview with Dr. Johnson about his book The Algorithm of Leadership: A Guide to a New World

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After reading The Algorithm of Leadership: a new guide to a new world, you’ll be able to:

  • Fix the political mess we are in
  • Become a good leader 
  • Learn how to handle bad press and rumors
  • Bring together the left and right once in for all 
  • See where politicians fail all the time without realizing it 
  • make people follow you and willing to do what you want
  • Bring a nation together

One nation under God and United is just 1 good leader away.