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Dr. Showalter Johnson

Estratega de vida


Coach Empresarial

Coach Espiritual



Gracias a su amplio alcance, Showalter Johnson es reconocido por su profundo impacto en la vida de las personas en más de 20 países. Guía a las personas para que visualicen y alcancen lo mejor de sí mismas, independientemente de los picos o valles de la vida. Su influencia mundial es evidente en el empoderamiento de las personas para superar el ego, la barrera a la abundancia y la felicidad, un tema central de su libro más vendido. Sus sesiones de estrategia se alinean con su misión de descubrir el potencial a menudo oscurecido por el miedo y el ego, abriendo caminos hacia el éxito.

Como rostro reconocido de la Mesa Redonda de Billonarios, Showalter tiende puentes entre multimillonarios, responsables políticos y empresarios. Sus contribuciones al liderazgo y al desarrollo económico de los empresarios le valieron el reconocimiento de la Cámara de Representantes de Carolina del Sur.

Dr. Showalter Johnson en el Congreso de los Estados Unidos

Originario de Nassau, Bahamas, donde se forjó su carácter, Showalter es el mayor de tres hermanos. Es un marido y padre dedicado, doctor en Filosofía, con título honorífico por la Christian Life University y diplomado en educación ejecutiva por Harvard y Princeton. Esta experiencia polifacética subraya su carácter accesible, humilde y experto.

As a political strategist, Dr. Johnson aids leaders and politicians with a unique set of expertise that has helped world leaders navigate large-scale crises and issues facing the planet.

As the owner of the WellerX Company, Dr. Johnson is considered a scientist of the soul. He is often fondly referred to as The Soul Dr. or even the Dr. of Desires. His philosophy goes beyond the brain to explain raw human desires and impulses. 

As the Spiritual Leader of the Commonwealth Embassy, he connects and elevates people on the spiritual level. Dr. Showalter also leads entrepreneurs seeking to connect with like-minded individuals. He has been invited to speak at the Billionaire Roundtable. In addition, he has been asked to visit countries such as Ecuador to provide crucial economic development and funding strategies for up-and-coming entrepreneurs.

As a book author, Dr. Johnson has published eight books and is known for being a pivotal thought leader and keynote speaker on Commonwealth Contrarian topics. One of his books was recognized by the United States South Carolina House of Representatives for content about governmental strategies. Furthermore, his impeccable work there earned him his own Showalter Johnson’s Day in the southern state. 

Dr. Johnson’s passion is teaching others about his research regarding human and spiritual development, rediscovering your peak living while helping find balance. His extensive research has earned him numerous invites to collaborate with international research institutes and to participate in prominent think tanks. 

He is lovingly known as a humanist and has been invited to the United States Congress for his innovative approach to leadership development.